Join us for a FREE Sensory-Friendly Saturday for guests, families, and individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other sensory processing needs.
Experience the peacefulness and fun of the Garden with disturbances minimized. An air-conditioned take-a-break space will be provided, as well as hands-on activities for the whole family! Free admission applies between 4 – 6pm only.
Registration required; RSVP by completing this form.
Sensory-Friendly Saturdays: RSVP Required
Join us for a FREE Sensory-Friendly Saturday for guests, families, and individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other sensory processing needs. Experience the peacefulness and fun of the Garden with disturbances […]
Sensory-Friendly Saturdays: RSVP Required
Join us for a FREE Sensory-Friendly Saturday for guests, families, and individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other sensory processing needs. Experience the peacefulness and fun of the Garden with disturbances […]