It can be hard to imagine, but every fruit or vegetable we buy in the store or grow in our gardens was originally a wild species in nature. At some […]
Conservation and Sustainability
Mind Your (Buttonwood Tree) Boundaries!
These days, the Garden is well known for botanical beauty. Back in the day, not so much. At the time of acquisition, the property was clogged with invasive plants such […]
Invasive Pest Forces a Tough Decision About Fate of a Tree
If you know the Garden well, you may notice something missing in the Naples Garden Club Idea Garden. On Tuesday morning, we removed the 25-foot lychee tree that had dominated […]
The Flora of Haiti Project Launches
Among the good — and perhaps unexpected — outcomes of the Garden’s Project Stay Planted drive last spring: It inspired a new, nationwide plant survey in Haiti that aims to […]
Saving Native Plants, Seed by Seed
In 2002, a beetle from Asia snuck into a Georgia port via a shipping crate, found its way to a redbay tree, infected it with a fungus, and started a […]
Unlocking the Secrets of Southwest Florida’s Native Plants
If there is such a thing as a pandemic-perfect job, Jessica DeYoung’s may be it. The conservation associate, under the supervision of Vice President of Conservation Chad Washburn, spends her […]