The invitation: Go to London. Team up with the world’s foremost experts on native orchids and create an exhibition for the world-renowned Royal Horticultural Society’s Chelsea Flower Show. The challenge: Navigate complicated […]
Conservation and Sustainability
This Tiny Bug May Help Contain a Huge Problem
On a bright afternoon last month, members of our team and Melissa Smith, a U.S. Department of Agriculture research ecologist, unleashed 1,500 insects to go after one of the ecosystem’s […]
Regeneration Through a Prescribed Fire
As you walk along the lake trail or the wooded pathways near the Sönne Family Ghost Orchid Boardwalk, you’ll come across a charred patch of forest, which will probably spark […]
Igniting a Flame
Director of Natural Resources Eric Foht explains how fire sparks nature’s renewal and why we should appreciate this elemental process. I looked up at the rising column of smoke and […]
Restoring an Ancient Scrub
Naples Botanical Garden and Conservation Collier team up to restore a disappearing ecosystem In the midst of industrial development in North Naples lies an oasis of sorts: a 135-acre preserve […]
A Happy Ending for an Ill Hawk
A few weeks ago, Maintenance Gardener Hank Schiff came upon a most unexpected sight in our Preserve: a red-shouldered hawk on its back, flapping its wings in distress. Carefully, he […]