Event Description
Treat Mom or Grandma for a stroll through the tropical landscapes of the Garden this Mother’s Day. Mothers and Grandmothers are FREE!
The first 500 mothers or grandmothers to arrive will be given a ticket to exchange for a special gift.
There will be a special Mother’s Day musical performance by Opera Naples Youth from 2-3:30pm in Kapnick Hall, included with regular Garden admission.
Regular Garden admission for all other guests.
Adoption Event
Pet parents matter, too! Humane Society Naples will be at the Garden Tent Plaza from 9am-12pm with its trademark Paws Around Town bus.
Meet adoptable pets, and consider donating needed items from Human Society Naples’ wish list. Click here to see the full list.
Still need that perfect present? Look no further than the Jane and Chuck Berger Shop in the Garden, for everything her heart desires!