Executive Staff

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Donna McGinnis

President & CEO

A Force for Good Donna McGinnis is President & CEO of Naples Botanical Garden in Naples, Florida. Under her leadership, the Garden has grown into a world-class cultural institution and an engine of applied environmental science. The Garden is a global player in plant conservation, specializing in the native species of Southwest Florida and the Caribbean. Donna is a native of Seattle and spent many years in St. Louis, Missouri, where she served as Senior Vice President at Missouri Botanical Garden, overseeing development, education, and community outreach, leading its successful $125 million capital campaign. Before botanical gardens, her career included development positions in opera, ballet, museums, and engagements as a capital campaign consultant. For 10 years, she led the Nonprofit Management graduate program of Washington University in St. Louis and served on its adjunct faculty. Donna earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications, an MBA, and holds a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential. She currently serves as the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the American Public Gardens Association, a member of the Botanic Garden Conservation International (BGCI) International Advisory Council, and Vice President of the Board of the Suncoast Chapter of the International Women's Forum.

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